Instructor: Mark Seawell
Sponsor: The Institute for Business Excellence
Course Title: Overcoming Objections
Subtitle: Knowing and Navigating the What behind the "NO!"
Course Description: As Advisors, we're the advocates for the vehicle, advocating for its necessary care to a customer who's less than enthused to be there in the first place. As the designated champions, going to bat to get those desperately needed repairs, so it has the best chance at survival.
All the more upsetting when a customer tells us "NO!", when all we wish to do is help get them quickly, and safely, back on the road.
Most of the time it's for an intangible reason, something that stems from an emotional and vulnerable place. However, we often incorrectly categorize the objection as tangible. In this workshop you will learn how to correctly identify an objection, categorize it, and then use specific tools to target and overcome.
In this class, Advisors will learn to become better communicators, handle objections with care and consciousness, and become more confident when someone gives them pushback on necessary repairs for their vehicle.